Foundation Course For Learning English Language

Programme’s purpose and objectives


The English Language Foundation Course is an English language programme for international students who have the academic qualifications to join an undergraduate or postgraduate degree programme at The Limassol College, but need to develop their English language skills and proficiency. 



A Certificate is required at least in the English Language in proficiency level or equivalent to level B1 of any specific examination and grade approved by the Ministry of Education.


The objectives of the course are to:

-Attain proficiency in all language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing

-Develop academic vocabulary and language necessary for Higher Education studies

-Enhance communication skills for academic and social interactions

-Gain confidence in participating in class discussions and debates and presenting academic topics

-Improve critical thinking and analytical skills through reading and writing tasks




Students who successfully complete the course are awarded with the certificate

‘Foundation course for learning English language’

TUITION FEES 2024-2025

Foundation Course for learning English languge


Tuition fees


Registration fees



Certificate fees



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